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About us

Code of conduct and policies

The commitment to responsible business is an integral part of’s culture, success and values.’s Code of Conduct defines the Company’s way of working and applies to all personnel and management alike. Partners are also expected to adhere to this Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is complemented by other company policies.

Policy Approval date / last update Approved by
AI policy 7 September 2023 Management Team
Code of Conduct 28 January 2021 Board
Supplier Code of Conduct 14 July 2022 Board
Risk management policy 31 March 2020 Board
Disclosure policy 16 July 2021 Board
Whistleblowing policy 16 August 2019 Board
Board Charter 15 July 2021 Board
Remuneration Committee Charter 31 March 2020 Board
Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy 28 January 2021 Board
Insider policy 28 January 2021 Board
Data security policy 17 March 2020 Management team
Personnel Policy 26 January 2021 Management team
Related Party Policy 31 March 2020 Board
Internal Audit Policy 23 April 2020 Board
Shareholders’ Nomination Board Charter 25 March 2021 General meeting

Marja Mäkinen

Head of Investor Relations